Wednesday 23 July 2014

Expectation Ruins Everything

If it wasn't Didi who told me about this place, I probably never knew that this place is exist! Vang Vieng, after I googled it, I expect a lot from this town. Why I say that? Based on the google image of course.

Vang Vieng.
It just amaze me that so many westerner came to this small town just to party. To be honest, I'm not interested to be part of the river arena as I think the safety measurements does not meet standard requirements. Anyway, besides from the river party, Im very interested with Vang Vieng hot air balloon (claimed to be the cheapest place in the world, so I've heard) and Blue Lagoon river cave.

From Vientiane, we took a bus that cost us 200 baht and the journey took 4 hours. There is no highway to get there, more of the country side road with potholes and traffic jams. Not really a pleasant journey tho but that doesn't bother me. What bother me was, this bus  is supposed to leave at 10 am but departed at 11 am. Hey bus driver, over 1 hour make people waiting is really not nice. 

Main street in Vang Vieng Town.
As we arrived at Vang Vieng, I was complete surprised as the town appeared not like what I expected. I mean I didn't expected anything much but Vang Vieng town seems.. quite. Our first mission was to find a tubing party but that was a fail mission. We couldn't find it, but end up at a small shack near the river. For me, it almost impossible to do tubing activity as the river flows very strong. We continue our hunt to find the tubing party with the bike that we rent for 250 baht (24h) but end up finding out that there is a jungle party that will start at 9.30 pm. It's only 7.30 pm, in the mean time, we hang out at Jaydees Bar (where you could find illegal 'stuff' but can only take it there or in the hotel room) and all of sudden it's raining. Very heavy. So no jungle party. 

Rain so much outside, we're kinda stranded at Jaydee's Bar.
June till September are not the right time to visit Vang Vieng because of the raining season, said the hotel receptionist. Oct till May are the perfect time to visit Vang Vieng and due to the bad weather, there no hot air balloon flying around. Last hope, we went to Blue Lagoon. Blue Lagoon located in a very secluded area and It took around 40 minutes to get there, but to go there, first you need to cross the bridge that require to pay toll cost 40 baht (bike) if you are from Vang Vieng town.

One of the cave signboard on the side of the road to Blue Lagoon.
Along the way, you could find many caves that allow you to do caving activity. Once you get to the Blue Lagoon, there is an entrance fees (40 baht) per person. Blue Lagoon offers not only for swimming, but also provide flying. Blue Lagoon river aren't blue when we're there, probably because of the rain make the river changed colour. If you can't swim, better to rent a tube or wear inflatable life vest because this river cave is very deep. I wanted to do caving, however due to the raining non stop we have to cancel it, we don't want to take any risk as there is only 2 of us and we're not really equip with anything. (just flip flop, shirt & short).

Blue Lagoon

Laos traditional silk & materials beautiful, and they are not made by machine, it's all  handmade and if you are on your way back from Blue Lagoon, check it out on the side of the road. Price are much cheaper compare the price at the town.

 As we arrived back at the hotel to shower and all, we found out there that the electricity were cut off. Not only in the hotel, but the whole town have no power. Not an issue for me, I think no water supply is much worse. The power came back 4 hours later and during no power, we just walking around Vang Vieng town. If you ever visit to Vang Vieng, please please please try the side road sandwich. This is the most delicious sandwich I ever eat and if you are traveling alone or less than 3, better take a mini van back to Vang Vieng. Much faster & comfortable.

In conclusion, always do your homework to the place that your will be going to. It is better to have plan B if the plan A didn't work out. Secondly, always keep your expectation low or better yet, none.
It is sucks when you have a high hope for something and it didn't work out exactly like you wanted to. Thirdly, always stay at the centre of the town, this to avoid unpleasant situation, let say you are stuck somewhere and the rain seems no ending, you could just walk back instead of waiting till the rain stop. Besides, in town there is more people and much safer, at least that I what I think.

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