Wednesday 26 June 2013

Day 6 (Pont Du Gard & Nimes)

At 4.30am I was awaked by the phone ring which I don't know who's calling because it  written unknown. So I try to call miscall mike see if he call me if its emergency or what and so then he said no he didn't. I went to sleep back. At 8.30 Im awake and get ready to go out and Benedict (German roommates) we exchange email address to contact in the future as he'll leave today. At 9 am I leave the hostel and walk to the bus station to get the next bus that was on 9.25 am which if sharp arrives. I took the bus and from there to town took only 20 minutes. I get off and walk to the other side of the train station and went to the time schedule and I remember I read on the Internet take the bus no B21 which in the platform 8 and Benedict told me that as well yesterday . So now only 9.45 am and I just miss the previous bus 9.30 am,  now I have to wait the next bus is at 11.30 am. 2 hours is very long especially when your are alone. I have went to the toilet, the bookstore, information center, carefour, at the pond, 3 times to the bus stop and finally I'm jut resting at the waiting room. I think that I'm m still not adapting the feeling when you are alone and because of it, I think that I don't belong here and wanted to go back home. Well I cannot do that, thousands of Ringgit I have spend for this trip and if I cancel it, it definitely makes me a fool and everyone going to be very disappoint with me. Maybe this alone backpacking were not suit for me as I thought I can face it but actually I can't. It just too empty and didn't expect how alone you could be. Anyway, so 11.15 am leave the waiting room and went to the bus stop and waiting for the bus. It seems like the bus come bit late and not on time. At 11.45 am the bus leave the station, so I sit next to the Japanese tourist which come from Lyon on business trip. So the bus trip should take like 40 minutes and at 12.15 the bus stops at the transit station and we all have to change the bus. Nimes and the towns around her are influenced by the southern styles of architecture from the house, building and their roof are different than the middle and northern parts of France. And I think here is more on Mediterranean parts. So at 12.25 and changed to another bus that took 10 minutes and he dropped us at the bus stop near the roundabout and have to walk around 12 minutes to the entrances of Pont Du Gard. I show my ticket and asked for the map at the entrance. So basically, right now Im walking with the Japanese man and we split after we saw the Pont Du Gard itself. It was magnificent. I couldn't belief that it was right in front of my eyes this monument. So I went down near the river to get the better view as in €5 notes there is Pont Du Gard image. So I took many pic there as I could. The view were very beyond beautiful. I love it so much, it so calm and peaceful. So I decide to take a rest there and had my lunch.

And then I climb up go to the other side of the river and climb up the hill to see what's up there. The wind were very strong, I almost fell down pushed by it (I know I'm skinny). So at 2 pm I sat down near the forest where not many people are, i just want to relax because the next bus is at 3.35 pm and basically I saw pretty much of it.So at 2.30 pm I left the park and went to the entrance area where museum and shops are located. So I went to the museum and I could never understand arts. Sigh then I go to toilet and buy some souvenirs to bring home back. So I get ready to go to the bus stop at 3 and I leave the place at 3. I walked to the bus stop and look at the schedule that the upcoming bus is at 3.55pm which the Japanese guy told me but when I was at the park I look at the schedule it was 3.55pm. This is not right so I look at my schedule again that there is not 3.55pm but 3.55pm. So I have wait for 55 minutes. Lesson for me, never trust your eyes when you are hungry. I was thinking to go in back to grab something to eat but then I remember I have the pass already to the guard so no can do. So I just wait here at the bus stop like a beggar with hungry stomach. So more people are coming time to time an at 4 pm the bus arrived and took us to the transit place and need to change other bus which depart at 4.19 pm. And arrived at the train station at 5 pm. I walk straight to the park where only 500 meters from the train station and went to the coliseum. After snaps some pictures I stops at the local supermarket which I think more expensive than carefour which later I went to get something to eat on the train tomorrow. I'm very hungry so I stops at the kebab restaurants which I went there last night and having my early dinner there. I was so full because the portion were big and I only one ear it. Not wasting anytime, I went to the Roman Temple and to the Fountain again then straight back to hostel. It was very hot and once arrive in the room I go straight shower and then I sat down at the reception area to get Wifi connection. As I were alone mind my own business, an American lady come and join sit with me in and we started to chat. It was so nice to have a mature conversation about the world and travelling from her experience. For about 2 and half hours we chatted and she had to go to her room. After I settle with my stuff about tomorrow accommodation and direction to go there, I'm having my dinner and soon I'm going to bed as now already 10.28 pm. So Au Revoir!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

5th Day goodbye Pontorson.

Leaving Pontorson

This is Pontorson,  very quite

One of the house on this Town, so simple and cute

I wasn't sleep very well last night probably because of I'm worried sleeping alone in big empty house.  Remember I get up at 4am and I get up again at 5.45am then I get up at 6.30am  then I'm up again at 6.45am after the alarm bell. I get ready as quick as possible, then I'm off to the bus station to take the first bus to go to the transit bus station to go to Rannes. I have to wait for another hour as I arrived at 7.55am and my bus to Rannes is at 8.55. It was cold and my hands are almost numb but I try to adapt to it as today is my last day here. You don't get this weather in Malaysia. Haha, and people here likes to stare so I remember back in Malaysia, the locals love to stare at the tourist and I guess everywhere is the same. So far, I could know few words "pardon" means excuse me, "boku" means very much, "marche" means market, "libre" means free. I think correct me if I'm wrong. So the bus come at 8.45 am, at 9.00 am the bus leave and about for 1 hour and 10 minutes it arrives at Rannes bus station.  I'm looking for a place that got Wifi since my train to Lyon is at 12.10pm I drink cappuccino and eat Pain au Chocolat that cost me €4.30 so I think I'm just going to stay here. At 11.45 am, I went to Relay to reload my phone €10 and I asked the girl to help me but she said No. I don't know why she wouldn't do it like the rest help me. So I save it for later maybe in the hostel once I arrive they could help me. So at 12pm, the train arrive at Voir 8 (line 8) it's TGV double decker train and my seats is at the top (104). I hate this seat because its moving backwards I can't see the view where it coming. At 1.25pm it stops at Le Man station to pick up the passenger and 1.30 it's moving again. At 2.20, it stops at Massy TGV. The ride was fast and quite dizzy for me since I didn't had any lunch and I feel like vomiting. But I hold it. So at 4.20pm the train starts to slow down and sharp at 4.30pm it stops at Lyon. I get out to the station to find something to eat. I bought a pavot poulet means chicken sandwhich with sesame cost €4.90. So at 4.55pm I got to the voie I to get the train to Nimes and 5.06pm it's depart from Lyon. At 5.40pm it stops at Valence and at 6.30pm it arrives at Nimes station. I'm out front he train and looking for the bus to the Hostel but seems like there is bus everywhere so I just take out the address of the hostel and show it to the information counter and she just asked me to get the bus at main bus stop and get the "I" bus to go and stops at Stad. Right after I went out front the station, and not long after that the bus coming. I just show the driver the address and behind me there is other bus conductor comes to check and he help me as the driver couldn't speak English but he was nice and the other conductor was very friendly. After 15 minutes bus ride the driver told me that I'm here and should walk up the hill, eventhough I don't understand French but I understand the sign language.  So I climb up the hill and the sign shows that it only 500m and when I'm there and settle with checked in. He bring me to the room which there is a Mexican guy in the room. I went to shower and chit chat with the guy, he couldn't really speaks English but he's trying to. Not long after the other guy come and in and he's from Germany. I went to the reception to ask how to go to the Pont Du Gard. Went back to the room and I decide to go to town to get something to eat and walk around and they wanted I join. At 8.30pm we leave hostel and at 9pm we arrived at the town and I wanted to go to Carefour. So we find the carefour for 10 minutes and I bought some breads and later I bought a kebab to eat and we walk passed the park where Les Jardins De La Fountaine were located. And there is an event going on I think the local artist singing international singer songs. It was nice and the windy environment makes me feel very welcome at Nimes. Soon after that we walked back to the hostel. At 10.40pm we arrived at the room.

Fourth Day (Mont St Micheal, Pontorson)

So I woke up at 8.30am so lazy to get up and then at 8.45 Jason's alarm ringing so he went to his room to shower and packing to checked out. At 9.40 we went done and I had some cereal an quickly we went out, since Jason didn't pay the breakfast he wanted to go to Carefour first to grab something to eat. We walked to the train station at 10 am to get the bus to Mont St Micheal, at 10.15am the bus leave the station. We arrive at the Mont St Micheal at 10.40 at this time not many people were here yet, but as we took the pictures before we went in, there's a bunch of school kids on their tours maybe off from their bus. FYI, I hate kids so I don't really like to be near them. The place were under construction from the road to the its wall. And the time we come is just right as the employee did a strike not to come to work because the employer raised the price for parking and entry fees so no one comes to come except only few that we can see and the good part is that no entrance fees and we go in for free. I have to say this place were a little bit of heaven. It so beautiful and the architecture were magnificent.

For a moment I stood and wish that I can turn back time just for a day to live at the time where they actually live in there. Because of the cathedral so big and it high, there is so many halls and stairs. And at the top where there is the main hall for pray and next to it there is this very peaceful area where the garden were located. After 2 hours were touring around. We say and had small brunch while enjoying the view. Tired of people getting more and more we decide to go back at the island where when the ocean tide are low we are able to walk on the beach and take pictures. Then suddenly a group of tourist saw us and they follow us as well. (Sigh) so were like make a round to the island to see different view of the cathedral and because of this place not really near to Malaysia I said why not. It is very slippery to walk on the mud because some of them are still wet and most of them are dry already. At 2.35pm we get the bus to go back to town. We stop at the Carefour again to get something to eat for lunch and Jason wanted to get something to eat in the train as he got 6 hours train ride. We bought and eat the hostel and at 4 Jason took off to train station and I said I wanted to follow him to the train station. By 4.10 we arrived at Pontorson Train station we said goodbye then I'm off to McDonald's again to online. For only while I just at McDonald then at 6.15 pm I took off to go back to hostel. I doesn't really feel comfortable as earlier in I saw the housekeeping clean the room so I was quite rush back and I saw she haven't touch my room so that's okay because I don't like people clean my room. So at 7.30 pm I left hostel to go to Carefour to get something to eat for tomorrow on the train. Once I get there, it's closed right at 7.35pm. Lucky me so I can save my money as I still got some food in the bag. So I went back to the hostel, sort of my accommodation booking and money as well and I went down to reheat the chicken chicken leftover from lunch I bought earlier and I went to the reception desk and read the notes for the checked out notes people written. i couldn't really understand what it says because most of then written in French but I saw a drawing at the bottom of the page says that Le Phantom Chambers 12 I don't speaks french but I know what those means. It definitely creeps me out for moments but I try to ignore it because my room is at 11 and now I just listening to the music. It seems like at 10.30 pm looks like it just going to dark so it's quite late for them for a sunset. Anyway, I think I should go to bed soon.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Paris, Paris & Paris

There are hundreds of pictures I've taken but unfortunately only some I can upload  because of the hostel I've been staying doesn't really offer Pc for me to transfer the picture from the digital camera to my phone. Anyway, enjoy! These are the pictures taken in first and second day! More to come.. 

3rd Day from Paris to Pontorson

So I went to bed yesterday at 7.20pm, I had headache but not so bad. Woke up at 6.10am, brushed my teeth went to the loo and I go downstairs to see the train schedule and read the train pass as I will be going to Pontorson later. Check out is at 11am, so at 7.30 I go down for breakfast. After that I off to my bed just resting hoping not to fall asleep.
I packed my things and lay down on bed until 10.30 I went down at the lobby to checked out and at 11 I leave the hostel. I wanted to go to the phone shop to buy the top up and go to the supermarket too but both of the shops are closed on Sunday. So I walked to the Volontaires train station and changed at Pasteur Station and go to Montparnasee station to took the train to go to Mont St Micheal, as I were there, the counter girl told me that I need to buy the tix at half price as I did not make the reservation for the journey (which I tried online but couldn't make it) so I pay €41.90 (half price) and she told me to go to the Eurail counter for reservation. From Pontorson to Nimes the trains for reservation is full, I don't know what that means but you can get it but have to pay the half price (again) cost €70, which I don't really have a choice. So I bought it and the girl (Fabienne) was kind enough to help me with the rest of my trip to make the reservation. As I was busy handle the reservation with her, I forgot that my tix to go to Pontorson is at 12.08 pm, so I only got 18 minutes from the time I bought and I think I was at the counter for almost 1 hour and 15 minutes. After bought some pastries to eat on train, I look on the boarding screen that my train number wasn't there, so I double check again that its already 1.50pm which means I already miss the train long ago. So I want to see Fabienne again to ask for help, unfortunately she was out for lunch. So they next train is 2.08pm I only have few minutes left I have no choice to buy new tix again (same price) dumb shafri being dumb again. So I got in the train, and I realized that my shampoo bottle was open and it's leaked to others of my stuff. Shit. The train leaves at 2.15, it was quite fast but not fast enough. Haha,  so while on the train ride, I'm thinking that sometimes I feel very lucky born and raised in Malaysia. Of most the countries I've been, seems like not many people can speaks English even the basic English they couldn't. I know I've been to Paris only for 2 and half days but I don't think people here very helpful and friendly, well most of them, only some of them are. Interesting. I still cannot believe that I'm alone traveling, I used to dream it but not anymore. I never thought how lonely you could be when u traveling alone. All u need is human contact, I just need to talk for some reason, I'm not really much a talker but I think I just need that. One thing that . So far, my heart and my mind keep saying that I should go back home.Anyway, the train stops at Laval Station on 3.40pm.  Train keep on until 4.20pm it stops at Rannes where I have to take a bus from here. It was pretty hard day for me as money runs out very fast. So I go out from the terminal and searching for the bus station, there are four Japanese wandering around so I approached and asked where are they heading to and they all going to Mont St Micheal so I join waiting with them. Not so long waiting the bus arrive, I try asked the bus driver if he could stop me at the Pontorson Train station but he just keep on say No. Whatever, I just get on the bus. Everything is green on the left and the right of my side no city or town only at Rennes. At 6pm get out the Mt St Micheal transit but station. I try to ask the security how to go to Pontorson back, he try to help me but unfortunately he cannot speak English, nothing new about that. So I just walk back to Pontorson it was 7.5 KM almost half way I try to raised my thumb for sign to get ride and this is my first trial to get hitch which I nail it on first attempt. Caya lah Shafri, so he drop me at the center on the town which is not that far only 10 minutes walk. I couldn't really find which one is the hostel because I don't recall the building looks like everything looks the same the after walk and walk I found it. So I got in, checked in and the girl bring me the room and guess what, only 3 people were in this hostel so far including me. I open my bag and I saw the shampoo (my Spanish guy gave me) leaked and all my stuff are smells of shampoo! I cleaned the bag and some stuff and I went down to reheat the choc croissant I bought earlier. I eat while walking outside and I saw 2 guys walking and once they saw me they began to comes towards me (purposely) so I sense like dangerous feeling so lucky me the hostel were near, I quickly go inside then go straight to my room. I think I'm going to spend all my night in the room. It is so boring, the other tourist seems locked themselves in the room as well. Not long after that I hear that someone walking on my levels to go in the room so I open the door and greet him. He's from Hong Kong been traveling through France for few months.  So he wanted to go to McDonald's because got Wifi so I offer my self to join him as I'm sure bored out of my skull at the hostel without Wifi and doing nothing. After 15 minutes walk from the hostel, we arrived. He was nice at least not arrogant like any on their tourist I tried to make friends with. So now it's 9 pm and it's bright still which if in Malaysia by 7 pm it's already sunset time. I stay here at McDonald's for a while for the internet and dinner even though I'm not that hungry.  Anyway, I'll be leaving here soon so there be any  be internet.  :( :(
I have this room all by myself

Saturday 22 June 2013

Second day (Paris)

So, after long walk yesterday, I finally arrived at hostel and starts to write my journal into my blog and then went to my room. There were 2 of my roomates one is a guy from Spain & a girl from Argentina, so good for them because they can speak Spanish. The guy invited me to go for a drink with his French friend who lives just 15 minutes away from the hostel. it was only 8pm and he say need to wait for the girl text him first, so I rest in my bed which eventually lead me to the "dreamland". When i woke up it was 12.55 am and I didnt see him on his bed, oh well, i guess i miss the drinks. So i charged my phone and went to bed then i realized there is someone on the top bed, damn, i didn't realized someone climb up. Damn, I sleep dead that is not good. I woke up at 7.40 am, didnt see the girl on her bed probably already went out or  afraid to sleep with 3 other male stanger on same room. After shower get ready for breakfast and out to eiffel Tower again for the 3rd times, this time i want to climb up. There is a long queue when i arrived there (9.20 am) so I join the queue, got at the tix counter at 9.50am cost me for €13 for the whole level. At 10 i took the lift to the 2nd floor, in this floor it got 2 level so you can go around up and down to view. It was freezing plus the wind blows it just made my morning... The ground lift only take as far as this level then have to queue again to go up to the top floor. While queuing, behind me there is four Chinese Malaysian and they talked and talked nonsense to each other and I for that moment I'm glad that I'm travel alone so that I wouldn't really need to hear people nonsense and at this point I feel it is better you travel with your partner. It was freezing cold I think for 20 minutes I was queuing then i got in into the elevator to top floor. There are not many people like the 2nd floor but still many people and also tthe top floor got 2 levels below which is indoor where the pictures of Eiffel himself and famous tourist during that time and the top floor is outdoor but got cage so people can't jump out. LOL. After fighting with the weather and was defeated i went down to first floor which there is nothing much to see because of the construction. Going down the stairs was not that really tired because you can see the scenery and people on the ground floor and from there I can also see that the queuing is double the long than i was earlier. I'm off to Esplanade Du Trocadèro and the view was spectacular. I then realized that there is more black people selling souvernirs and beggar on the streets hmmm, interesting. I walked to Arch de Triomphe about 10 minutes walk only then I'm there. While i was taking my pictures alone, one guy approaching me saying wanted to help me taking my pictures, he was nice then I realized he just helped for money, he then asked me for money said wanted to eat and shit. Never again I asked people let take my pictures, it's already €10 just for 2 days. Damn it... So from that I walked to Grand Palais for about 20 mins, and I remember this is where Channel had their fashion show before. It was beautiful the arches and everything about it. Opposite of it is Petit Palace has once of the most beautiful door. I continue to walked to Palaise De L'Elysees, there is not much to see because of the high wall. along the Rue Du Fg ST Honore where all the hi-end shops are located and also US, Japan & UK located. On my left I saw Place De La Madeleine after snap few pics I'm off to Place De La Concorde and I saw an old green fountain and if i'm not mistaken it was on the movie 'Devil's Wear Prada' where at the end Anne Hathaway throw her phone onto it. I was so hungry and I saw a hot dog kiosk so I stoped and have a looked and a hot dog cost €7 and I said no thank you, instantly I'm not hungry. haha. So, keep on walking and walking to the Musèe De louvre and i've always wanted to see Monalisa painting but the queing line is such a turn off. Proceed to the next and final place to visit for today, Notre Dame. This one I feel very far to walked probably maybe because I'm hungry I think. Notre Dame took my breath away, literally it does, i think my heart stops for a second beacuse of her architechture and carving of everything. It just a wonderful feeling, I sat on a bench and stare at it and thinking nothing. It just so beautiful. I wanted to go in there too but like in Louvre, i see the queing line, I'm not interested. So, I walked into the nearest train station and heading back to Hostel. It was 4pm and I just wanted to go back for some reason. Meet a Canadian guy, he looks very upset so I start to male a conversation with him because I just need to talk after long day walking around alone. He said, he was being robbed, his wallet & passport were gone and there is no place for him to check in because no passport. I wish I can do something..