Wednesday 26 June 2013

Day 6 (Pont Du Gard & Nimes)

At 4.30am I was awaked by the phone ring which I don't know who's calling because it  written unknown. So I try to call miscall mike see if he call me if its emergency or what and so then he said no he didn't. I went to sleep back. At 8.30 Im awake and get ready to go out and Benedict (German roommates) we exchange email address to contact in the future as he'll leave today. At 9 am I leave the hostel and walk to the bus station to get the next bus that was on 9.25 am which if sharp arrives. I took the bus and from there to town took only 20 minutes. I get off and walk to the other side of the train station and went to the time schedule and I remember I read on the Internet take the bus no B21 which in the platform 8 and Benedict told me that as well yesterday . So now only 9.45 am and I just miss the previous bus 9.30 am,  now I have to wait the next bus is at 11.30 am. 2 hours is very long especially when your are alone. I have went to the toilet, the bookstore, information center, carefour, at the pond, 3 times to the bus stop and finally I'm jut resting at the waiting room. I think that I'm m still not adapting the feeling when you are alone and because of it, I think that I don't belong here and wanted to go back home. Well I cannot do that, thousands of Ringgit I have spend for this trip and if I cancel it, it definitely makes me a fool and everyone going to be very disappoint with me. Maybe this alone backpacking were not suit for me as I thought I can face it but actually I can't. It just too empty and didn't expect how alone you could be. Anyway, so 11.15 am leave the waiting room and went to the bus stop and waiting for the bus. It seems like the bus come bit late and not on time. At 11.45 am the bus leave the station, so I sit next to the Japanese tourist which come from Lyon on business trip. So the bus trip should take like 40 minutes and at 12.15 the bus stops at the transit station and we all have to change the bus. Nimes and the towns around her are influenced by the southern styles of architecture from the house, building and their roof are different than the middle and northern parts of France. And I think here is more on Mediterranean parts. So at 12.25 and changed to another bus that took 10 minutes and he dropped us at the bus stop near the roundabout and have to walk around 12 minutes to the entrances of Pont Du Gard. I show my ticket and asked for the map at the entrance. So basically, right now Im walking with the Japanese man and we split after we saw the Pont Du Gard itself. It was magnificent. I couldn't belief that it was right in front of my eyes this monument. So I went down near the river to get the better view as in €5 notes there is Pont Du Gard image. So I took many pic there as I could. The view were very beyond beautiful. I love it so much, it so calm and peaceful. So I decide to take a rest there and had my lunch.

And then I climb up go to the other side of the river and climb up the hill to see what's up there. The wind were very strong, I almost fell down pushed by it (I know I'm skinny). So at 2 pm I sat down near the forest where not many people are, i just want to relax because the next bus is at 3.35 pm and basically I saw pretty much of it.So at 2.30 pm I left the park and went to the entrance area where museum and shops are located. So I went to the museum and I could never understand arts. Sigh then I go to toilet and buy some souvenirs to bring home back. So I get ready to go to the bus stop at 3 and I leave the place at 3. I walked to the bus stop and look at the schedule that the upcoming bus is at 3.55pm which the Japanese guy told me but when I was at the park I look at the schedule it was 3.55pm. This is not right so I look at my schedule again that there is not 3.55pm but 3.55pm. So I have wait for 55 minutes. Lesson for me, never trust your eyes when you are hungry. I was thinking to go in back to grab something to eat but then I remember I have the pass already to the guard so no can do. So I just wait here at the bus stop like a beggar with hungry stomach. So more people are coming time to time an at 4 pm the bus arrived and took us to the transit place and need to change other bus which depart at 4.19 pm. And arrived at the train station at 5 pm. I walk straight to the park where only 500 meters from the train station and went to the coliseum. After snaps some pictures I stops at the local supermarket which I think more expensive than carefour which later I went to get something to eat on the train tomorrow. I'm very hungry so I stops at the kebab restaurants which I went there last night and having my early dinner there. I was so full because the portion were big and I only one ear it. Not wasting anytime, I went to the Roman Temple and to the Fountain again then straight back to hostel. It was very hot and once arrive in the room I go straight shower and then I sat down at the reception area to get Wifi connection. As I were alone mind my own business, an American lady come and join sit with me in and we started to chat. It was so nice to have a mature conversation about the world and travelling from her experience. For about 2 and half hours we chatted and she had to go to her room. After I settle with my stuff about tomorrow accommodation and direction to go there, I'm having my dinner and soon I'm going to bed as now already 10.28 pm. So Au Revoir!

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