Sunday 23 June 2013

3rd Day from Paris to Pontorson

So I went to bed yesterday at 7.20pm, I had headache but not so bad. Woke up at 6.10am, brushed my teeth went to the loo and I go downstairs to see the train schedule and read the train pass as I will be going to Pontorson later. Check out is at 11am, so at 7.30 I go down for breakfast. After that I off to my bed just resting hoping not to fall asleep.
I packed my things and lay down on bed until 10.30 I went down at the lobby to checked out and at 11 I leave the hostel. I wanted to go to the phone shop to buy the top up and go to the supermarket too but both of the shops are closed on Sunday. So I walked to the Volontaires train station and changed at Pasteur Station and go to Montparnasee station to took the train to go to Mont St Micheal, as I were there, the counter girl told me that I need to buy the tix at half price as I did not make the reservation for the journey (which I tried online but couldn't make it) so I pay €41.90 (half price) and she told me to go to the Eurail counter for reservation. From Pontorson to Nimes the trains for reservation is full, I don't know what that means but you can get it but have to pay the half price (again) cost €70, which I don't really have a choice. So I bought it and the girl (Fabienne) was kind enough to help me with the rest of my trip to make the reservation. As I was busy handle the reservation with her, I forgot that my tix to go to Pontorson is at 12.08 pm, so I only got 18 minutes from the time I bought and I think I was at the counter for almost 1 hour and 15 minutes. After bought some pastries to eat on train, I look on the boarding screen that my train number wasn't there, so I double check again that its already 1.50pm which means I already miss the train long ago. So I want to see Fabienne again to ask for help, unfortunately she was out for lunch. So they next train is 2.08pm I only have few minutes left I have no choice to buy new tix again (same price) dumb shafri being dumb again. So I got in the train, and I realized that my shampoo bottle was open and it's leaked to others of my stuff. Shit. The train leaves at 2.15, it was quite fast but not fast enough. Haha,  so while on the train ride, I'm thinking that sometimes I feel very lucky born and raised in Malaysia. Of most the countries I've been, seems like not many people can speaks English even the basic English they couldn't. I know I've been to Paris only for 2 and half days but I don't think people here very helpful and friendly, well most of them, only some of them are. Interesting. I still cannot believe that I'm alone traveling, I used to dream it but not anymore. I never thought how lonely you could be when u traveling alone. All u need is human contact, I just need to talk for some reason, I'm not really much a talker but I think I just need that. One thing that . So far, my heart and my mind keep saying that I should go back home.Anyway, the train stops at Laval Station on 3.40pm.  Train keep on until 4.20pm it stops at Rannes where I have to take a bus from here. It was pretty hard day for me as money runs out very fast. So I go out from the terminal and searching for the bus station, there are four Japanese wandering around so I approached and asked where are they heading to and they all going to Mont St Micheal so I join waiting with them. Not so long waiting the bus arrive, I try asked the bus driver if he could stop me at the Pontorson Train station but he just keep on say No. Whatever, I just get on the bus. Everything is green on the left and the right of my side no city or town only at Rennes. At 6pm get out the Mt St Micheal transit but station. I try to ask the security how to go to Pontorson back, he try to help me but unfortunately he cannot speak English, nothing new about that. So I just walk back to Pontorson it was 7.5 KM almost half way I try to raised my thumb for sign to get ride and this is my first trial to get hitch which I nail it on first attempt. Caya lah Shafri, so he drop me at the center on the town which is not that far only 10 minutes walk. I couldn't really find which one is the hostel because I don't recall the building looks like everything looks the same the after walk and walk I found it. So I got in, checked in and the girl bring me the room and guess what, only 3 people were in this hostel so far including me. I open my bag and I saw the shampoo (my Spanish guy gave me) leaked and all my stuff are smells of shampoo! I cleaned the bag and some stuff and I went down to reheat the choc croissant I bought earlier. I eat while walking outside and I saw 2 guys walking and once they saw me they began to comes towards me (purposely) so I sense like dangerous feeling so lucky me the hostel were near, I quickly go inside then go straight to my room. I think I'm going to spend all my night in the room. It is so boring, the other tourist seems locked themselves in the room as well. Not long after that I hear that someone walking on my levels to go in the room so I open the door and greet him. He's from Hong Kong been traveling through France for few months.  So he wanted to go to McDonald's because got Wifi so I offer my self to join him as I'm sure bored out of my skull at the hostel without Wifi and doing nothing. After 15 minutes walk from the hostel, we arrived. He was nice at least not arrogant like any on their tourist I tried to make friends with. So now it's 9 pm and it's bright still which if in Malaysia by 7 pm it's already sunset time. I stay here at McDonald's for a while for the internet and dinner even though I'm not that hungry.  Anyway, I'll be leaving here soon so there be any  be internet.  :( :(
I have this room all by myself

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