Tuesday 25 June 2013

5th Day goodbye Pontorson.

Leaving Pontorson

This is Pontorson,  very quite

One of the house on this Town, so simple and cute

I wasn't sleep very well last night probably because of I'm worried sleeping alone in big empty house.  Remember I get up at 4am and I get up again at 5.45am then I get up at 6.30am  then I'm up again at 6.45am after the alarm bell. I get ready as quick as possible, then I'm off to the bus station to take the first bus to go to the transit bus station to go to Rannes. I have to wait for another hour as I arrived at 7.55am and my bus to Rannes is at 8.55. It was cold and my hands are almost numb but I try to adapt to it as today is my last day here. You don't get this weather in Malaysia. Haha, and people here likes to stare so I remember back in Malaysia, the locals love to stare at the tourist and I guess everywhere is the same. So far, I could know few words "pardon" means excuse me, "boku" means very much, "marche" means market, "libre" means free. I think correct me if I'm wrong. So the bus come at 8.45 am, at 9.00 am the bus leave and about for 1 hour and 10 minutes it arrives at Rannes bus station.  I'm looking for a place that got Wifi since my train to Lyon is at 12.10pm I drink cappuccino and eat Pain au Chocolat that cost me €4.30 so I think I'm just going to stay here. At 11.45 am, I went to Relay to reload my phone €10 and I asked the girl to help me but she said No. I don't know why she wouldn't do it like the rest help me. So I save it for later maybe in the hostel once I arrive they could help me. So at 12pm, the train arrive at Voir 8 (line 8) it's TGV double decker train and my seats is at the top (104). I hate this seat because its moving backwards I can't see the view where it coming. At 1.25pm it stops at Le Man station to pick up the passenger and 1.30 it's moving again. At 2.20, it stops at Massy TGV. The ride was fast and quite dizzy for me since I didn't had any lunch and I feel like vomiting. But I hold it. So at 4.20pm the train starts to slow down and sharp at 4.30pm it stops at Lyon. I get out to the station to find something to eat. I bought a pavot poulet means chicken sandwhich with sesame cost €4.90. So at 4.55pm I got to the voie I to get the train to Nimes and 5.06pm it's depart from Lyon. At 5.40pm it stops at Valence and at 6.30pm it arrives at Nimes station. I'm out front he train and looking for the bus to the Hostel but seems like there is bus everywhere so I just take out the address of the hostel and show it to the information counter and she just asked me to get the bus at main bus stop and get the "I" bus to go and stops at Stad. Right after I went out front the station, and not long after that the bus coming. I just show the driver the address and behind me there is other bus conductor comes to check and he help me as the driver couldn't speak English but he was nice and the other conductor was very friendly. After 15 minutes bus ride the driver told me that I'm here and should walk up the hill, eventhough I don't understand French but I understand the sign language.  So I climb up the hill and the sign shows that it only 500m and when I'm there and settle with checked in. He bring me to the room which there is a Mexican guy in the room. I went to shower and chit chat with the guy, he couldn't really speaks English but he's trying to. Not long after the other guy come and in and he's from Germany. I went to the reception to ask how to go to the Pont Du Gard. Went back to the room and I decide to go to town to get something to eat and walk around and they wanted I join. At 8.30pm we leave hostel and at 9pm we arrived at the town and I wanted to go to Carefour. So we find the carefour for 10 minutes and I bought some breads and later I bought a kebab to eat and we walk passed the park where Les Jardins De La Fountaine were located. And there is an event going on I think the local artist singing international singer songs. It was nice and the windy environment makes me feel very welcome at Nimes. Soon after that we walked back to the hostel. At 10.40pm we arrived at the room.