Tuesday 25 June 2013

Fourth Day (Mont St Micheal, Pontorson)

So I woke up at 8.30am so lazy to get up and then at 8.45 Jason's alarm ringing so he went to his room to shower and packing to checked out. At 9.40 we went done and I had some cereal an quickly we went out, since Jason didn't pay the breakfast he wanted to go to Carefour first to grab something to eat. We walked to the train station at 10 am to get the bus to Mont St Micheal, at 10.15am the bus leave the station. We arrive at the Mont St Micheal at 10.40 at this time not many people were here yet, but as we took the pictures before we went in, there's a bunch of school kids on their tours maybe off from their bus. FYI, I hate kids so I don't really like to be near them. The place were under construction from the road to the its wall. And the time we come is just right as the employee did a strike not to come to work because the employer raised the price for parking and entry fees so no one comes to come except only few that we can see and the good part is that no entrance fees and we go in for free. I have to say this place were a little bit of heaven. It so beautiful and the architecture were magnificent.

For a moment I stood and wish that I can turn back time just for a day to live at the time where they actually live in there. Because of the cathedral so big and it high, there is so many halls and stairs. And at the top where there is the main hall for pray and next to it there is this very peaceful area where the garden were located. After 2 hours were touring around. We say and had small brunch while enjoying the view. Tired of people getting more and more we decide to go back at the island where when the ocean tide are low we are able to walk on the beach and take pictures. Then suddenly a group of tourist saw us and they follow us as well. (Sigh) so were like make a round to the island to see different view of the cathedral and because of this place not really near to Malaysia I said why not. It is very slippery to walk on the mud because some of them are still wet and most of them are dry already. At 2.35pm we get the bus to go back to town. We stop at the Carefour again to get something to eat for lunch and Jason wanted to get something to eat in the train as he got 6 hours train ride. We bought and eat the hostel and at 4 Jason took off to train station and I said I wanted to follow him to the train station. By 4.10 we arrived at Pontorson Train station we said goodbye then I'm off to McDonald's again to online. For only while I just at McDonald then at 6.15 pm I took off to go back to hostel. I doesn't really feel comfortable as earlier in I saw the housekeeping clean the room so I was quite rush back and I saw she haven't touch my room so that's okay because I don't like people clean my room. So at 7.30 pm I left hostel to go to Carefour to get something to eat for tomorrow on the train. Once I get there, it's closed right at 7.35pm. Lucky me so I can save my money as I still got some food in the bag. So I went back to the hostel, sort of my accommodation booking and money as well and I went down to reheat the chicken chicken leftover from lunch I bought earlier and I went to the reception desk and read the notes for the checked out notes people written. i couldn't really understand what it says because most of then written in French but I saw a drawing at the bottom of the page says that Le Phantom Chambers 12 I don't speaks french but I know what those means. It definitely creeps me out for moments but I try to ignore it because my room is at 11 and now I just listening to the music. It seems like at 10.30 pm looks like it just going to dark so it's quite late for them for a sunset. Anyway, I think I should go to bed soon.

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