Saturday 22 June 2013

Second day (Paris)

So, after long walk yesterday, I finally arrived at hostel and starts to write my journal into my blog and then went to my room. There were 2 of my roomates one is a guy from Spain & a girl from Argentina, so good for them because they can speak Spanish. The guy invited me to go for a drink with his French friend who lives just 15 minutes away from the hostel. it was only 8pm and he say need to wait for the girl text him first, so I rest in my bed which eventually lead me to the "dreamland". When i woke up it was 12.55 am and I didnt see him on his bed, oh well, i guess i miss the drinks. So i charged my phone and went to bed then i realized there is someone on the top bed, damn, i didn't realized someone climb up. Damn, I sleep dead that is not good. I woke up at 7.40 am, didnt see the girl on her bed probably already went out or  afraid to sleep with 3 other male stanger on same room. After shower get ready for breakfast and out to eiffel Tower again for the 3rd times, this time i want to climb up. There is a long queue when i arrived there (9.20 am) so I join the queue, got at the tix counter at 9.50am cost me for €13 for the whole level. At 10 i took the lift to the 2nd floor, in this floor it got 2 level so you can go around up and down to view. It was freezing plus the wind blows it just made my morning... The ground lift only take as far as this level then have to queue again to go up to the top floor. While queuing, behind me there is four Chinese Malaysian and they talked and talked nonsense to each other and I for that moment I'm glad that I'm travel alone so that I wouldn't really need to hear people nonsense and at this point I feel it is better you travel with your partner. It was freezing cold I think for 20 minutes I was queuing then i got in into the elevator to top floor. There are not many people like the 2nd floor but still many people and also tthe top floor got 2 levels below which is indoor where the pictures of Eiffel himself and famous tourist during that time and the top floor is outdoor but got cage so people can't jump out. LOL. After fighting with the weather and was defeated i went down to first floor which there is nothing much to see because of the construction. Going down the stairs was not that really tired because you can see the scenery and people on the ground floor and from there I can also see that the queuing is double the long than i was earlier. I'm off to Esplanade Du Trocadèro and the view was spectacular. I then realized that there is more black people selling souvernirs and beggar on the streets hmmm, interesting. I walked to Arch de Triomphe about 10 minutes walk only then I'm there. While i was taking my pictures alone, one guy approaching me saying wanted to help me taking my pictures, he was nice then I realized he just helped for money, he then asked me for money said wanted to eat and shit. Never again I asked people let take my pictures, it's already €10 just for 2 days. Damn it... So from that I walked to Grand Palais for about 20 mins, and I remember this is where Channel had their fashion show before. It was beautiful the arches and everything about it. Opposite of it is Petit Palace has once of the most beautiful door. I continue to walked to Palaise De L'Elysees, there is not much to see because of the high wall. along the Rue Du Fg ST Honore where all the hi-end shops are located and also US, Japan & UK located. On my left I saw Place De La Madeleine after snap few pics I'm off to Place De La Concorde and I saw an old green fountain and if i'm not mistaken it was on the movie 'Devil's Wear Prada' where at the end Anne Hathaway throw her phone onto it. I was so hungry and I saw a hot dog kiosk so I stoped and have a looked and a hot dog cost €7 and I said no thank you, instantly I'm not hungry. haha. So, keep on walking and walking to the Musèe De louvre and i've always wanted to see Monalisa painting but the queing line is such a turn off. Proceed to the next and final place to visit for today, Notre Dame. This one I feel very far to walked probably maybe because I'm hungry I think. Notre Dame took my breath away, literally it does, i think my heart stops for a second beacuse of her architechture and carving of everything. It just a wonderful feeling, I sat on a bench and stare at it and thinking nothing. It just so beautiful. I wanted to go in there too but like in Louvre, i see the queing line, I'm not interested. So, I walked into the nearest train station and heading back to Hostel. It was 4pm and I just wanted to go back for some reason. Meet a Canadian guy, he looks very upset so I start to male a conversation with him because I just need to talk after long day walking around alone. He said, he was being robbed, his wallet & passport were gone and there is no place for him to check in because no passport. I wish I can do something..


  1. Babe. Td I lepak with arep and anne. Im so missing you. Hm. Kejapp je dh 5hari kau pergiiiiii kan.
