Saturday 27 July 2013

Day 16

Carlos wake me up very early in the morning because he said that I'm snored to loud and he imitates how my snored sounds like and make jokes about it. I was quite embarrassed and so I decided later after I breakfast I wanted to go get myself a snored medicine to stop my snoring because this is the 3rd person told me so far in the hostels. So I get a Snoreeze, it's a strip paper taste like a mint where you should paste in on the roof of your mouth and let it be when you sleep. I went to the train station after to get my self a ticket to Lisbon, and they only 1 journey per day but it's not really at daytime but it's at 1am. I don't really got much choice because I'm on budget. So yeah, I was quite sad to leave Salamanca because I really like to stay here much longer even though there is nothing much to see here. I spend most of the day walking around and at night, I starts to packs my stuff to get going again

Day 15

I woke up in the morning, had some breakfast called (churroz) it's a pastry (long sticks) and you dip in the hot chocolate. After breakfast Carlos brings me around the town see the old buildings, bridges and Salamanca river. At 11.30 he has to go to the restaurant where he's working because he will start's working at 12 pm and before that, he showed the famous Salamanca University. On the entrance of the University, there's beautiful carving from stone's about humans, skeleton, animal and geometry as well and Carlos told me that if you are a student of this university, it is require for you to find a frog carving  on this entrance in order for you to graduate. I couldn't find it until he gave me some hints, it very funny because the frog was so small and it's was so near. So we enter the university (during summer time, the university is open for tourist to visit as they also had summer break for student. I felt like I was in Hogwarts (Harry Potter) because the styles is very old 

And later went he went to work I went to the Cathedral and it is very very hot. There is no cloud on the sky and I just couldn't bear with the heat anymore. So I went to the room, take a nap and at later on the evening I went out for walking and Carlos asked me to come to his work place at 11pm. He invited me to the restaurant and he introduce me to his colleague and they offer me a free dinner. Yeay!

Day 14 (Bye Cordoba, Hello Salamanca)

In the morning as usual, breakfast, packing, leave the hostel and get going to the train station. At the train station, I drastically made changes of plans about my trips. After listening what Carlos told me about the city that he will work in Salamanca as a waiter just for the summer time, I became interested to go there. So we took a train together to madrid then take a bus to Salamanca. I never heard about this city but I am so looking forward about it.

We arrived at the hostel at 9pm and Carlos brings me around this town as he has been living here for the past 6 years study in Salamanca University (2nd oldest university in Europe). Most people I saw on the street or at Plaza Mayor are teenagers probably because of they are students. So we've spend our nights by walking and hang out at the street.

Monday 8 July 2013

Day 13 (Cordoba, Spain)

Next day, I went to the Mosque-Cathedral Cordoba and it cost €8 to go in. Inside it was very very very! amazing! Since I was kid, I've seen this architecture everywhere and now here I am. I am very very thankful and feeling very humble today as I actually got to visit one of my must-go places.  


I went to Alcazar Garden later, even though it was very hot but this garden were very wide and huge.
And then my camera's dead. So no pictures... haha. Because of the weather were extremely hot, I decided to go cut my hair. It was very short, I hate it! really I hate it but what can I do. I met a traveler from Madrid and later we went dinner and coffee nearby the hostel. It so nice to have a pleasant conversation.

Day 12 (Bye Madrid, Hello Cordoba)

Before I leave Madrid, there is a one place I wanted to visit Parque Del Retiro then I'm off to Cordoba by Train. With my backpacks, I basically touring around the lake which at 11 am the sun is already up. 


Off to Madrid Atocha train station and get my fast train to Cordoba (1 and 30 minutes at speed of 287 KM7/H). Get off the train and I get on the bus go straight to the hostel, I really glad that I travel with internet on my iPhone because without internet I would be having a difficult time as people here doesn't really speaks English. Checked in at this hostel I was like, finally! There's an aircond and wifi in the room. Around 2 or 3 I went out for walk to grab something to eat but there's none shop are open. I was like for real? I walked back to the room. It extremely hot outside. In the evening, I went walk again and this this all the shop were open. Should I make a theory again? never mind, couldn't be bothered. 
Sunset at Cordoba

Day 11 (Madrid-Toledo-Madrid)

Okay, I have to admit that I write so much so details and too details which it actually to be my private journal but maybe because i'm a little exited to travel alone in long time. Okay, I'm going to keep it short and simple.

Today's agenda is that I'm going to join half-day trip to Toledo. Toledo is located in central Spain which I think 70KM from Madrid and it took 45 minutes drive from my hostel to the Toledo.
Toledo, Spain

When I heard of summer, I never expected that it's going to be very hot and the weather is similar like Malaysia. If Madrid is hot, Toledo is much worst. Anyway, we arrived at Toledo at 12pm and we need to be back at same place where the guide drop us at 5pm. If you read about Toledo, before this is the capital of Spain before Madrid and this place consist of 3 main religion that lives together (Christian, Muslim & Jewish). Basically I'm just mind my own business and don't really care about what other people want to go or visit. 

A friend of mine once tell me that Toledo you require a Map if you a first time because the places are built quite close and the street are like maze, you could get lost. And yes I agree with him, I was walking and walking and I it leads me to nowhere. I tried to follow back where I came from but everything looks the same to me. Lucky I got a my iPhone but apple maps wasn't really much a help but I manage to back to the center. It's hot and Toledo is in the hills so basically you need to climb up and went down the street (not that I complaint) but it was a nice experience.  

I went back to the parking at 4.30 pm waiting for the van. In the van, everybody was sleeping (except the driver of course). Arrived at Madrid at 5 pm and I just couldn't wait to go shower. Later that night I went out for a walk and I go to chinese restaurant to have some dinner. 

Copy & Paste from 'Black Rose'

Dear Airyn...

I hope you are you well and fine over there.
Sorry that I copy paste what you post on your blog but... I just couldn't help it. It's wonderful to read.

Hidup tanpa dia.
Mungkin aku bole senyum tapi wajah mencuka.
Tapi hidup tanpa cintanya.
Dunia terang pon mcm gelap gelita.
Dia hadiah terbaik tuhan kepada aku.
Dia ada ketika aku berduka.
Dia ada ketika aku gembira.
Dia terima aku seadanya.
Dia bahgiakan aku semampunya.
Tanpa dia.
Aku seperti kain putih yg tiada warnanya.
Tanpa dia.
Aku seperti pelangi yang cantik tiada serinya.

It's touch me very deep Airyn..
I miss you my friend

Saturday 6 July 2013

Day 10th (Madrid, Spain)

I woke up at 9.30 am, I think I started to get up late ever since from Barcelona and I don't like it. I like to get up early in the morning so I can prepare on what to do and doesn't really have to queue to go in the bathroom and to queue on breakfast. Anyway, after showered and breakfast, I've decided to go tour Madrid on my own even though there is a free tour on 11.30 am but I think maybe next time. So at 10.30 am I leave the hostel and start to go to El Retiro first as it'smuch closer from my Las Musas Hostel. Basically, basically this is actually like a morning market that only on sunday morning and in here there is variety of stuff that you can see like cloths, souvenir, electronics, handcrafted merchandised, but mostly is cloths. About 30 minutes walking from the start to the end and back to the start, I went to Plaza Mayor, there is nothing much interesting about this place just a very huge plaza and surrounded by buildings with plenty of restaurants and cafe on the ground floor. When I read on the internet about Madrid, there is only 1 place that I really wanted to visit, that is the oldest restaurant in the world that is Botin Restaurant located just near to the Plaza Mayor which operated since 1725. When I where there, the restaurant haven't open yet so I keep on walking and the next spot is the Real Palaise (Madrid Palace) and later I went to the Temple of Debot. It is an Egyptian Temple in Madrid walking there is like a suntanning. There is no one in the afternoon, at first I never understood why there is not many tourist in Madrid but I made a guess, its probably the sun is too hot so there is not many people go out. But, come on. It's Madrid kot.... The capital. Anyway, Later I went to the Plaza De España ad took the metro to Serrano. I think its a big mistake to stop at Serrano because there is where Hi-End brand store located. Everything was on sale. I manage to ignore it and keep on walking to the Puerta De Alcacia later I went to Plaza De Cibeles, Plaza Del Sol. Actually, there is lot more places I've visited but I forget the name of it, silly me. After Plaza Del Sol, I went¡t back to the hostel and I wanted to book to go half day trip to Toledo organized by the hostel itself and I have to pat €22. It was very hot outside, so I asked the reception,  why there is not many tourist in Madrid, and he said to me that because of the sun is so hot most of the people rather stay at home than going out in the afternoon. So my guess were right, even though Im from Malaysia, but the heat is just sick. I went up tp my room take a cold shower and I took a nap. I woke up around 7pm and I went down to look for something to eat and I get a chicken kebab not so far from my hostel cost €5 including drinks. Another things that fascinates me is ever since I from Barcelona, I haven't saw Pepsi unless in KFC other than that, no they more prefer coke. Anyway, like yesterday, after dinner, I went downstairs to online and watching youtube Couldn't sleep until 3 I think because of the nap I took earlier on I guess.

Day 9 (Bye Barcelona, Hello Madrid)

Still haven't get enough sleep, I woke up at 9 pm and I quickly went down for breakfast because I'm late as later I need to check out and go to Madrid. As I'm queuing to get the food, I heard some of the people said ´everyday is the same food again. For me, I have no problem about it some hostel doesn't provide th breakfast and I think they should be thankful. Anyway, I rush to get ready as I haven't pack my things. 10.30 am, I left the hostel and went to the metro to go to the train station. At 11 am I arrived at the Barcelona Sants train station and its probably the most hottest indoor place i've ever been. Seriously, everybody were very uncomfortable. Around 11.40, I went to check in, I gave my Eurail Pass and the girl looks at my pass and she took my pass to her manager and the manager came to me saying that I need to get a stamp once I'm in Madrid. That just weird because In France they said to me no need for a stamp on my pass. I was worried about something else, might happen regarding my bag got drugs or what, just a stamp? really? big deal.. Anyway, so I went in and my seats is facing backwards again really don´t like it. Anyway, at 12pm train leaves Barcelona and go to Madrid. At 12.32 pm stops at Camp de Tarragona. While on the train they playing Men in Black 3 but in Spanish version. It just wrong man, if in Malaysia they change the audio mode to Malay I probably laugh like hell. It was very hot outside really even though it got Air conditioner inside but the hotness outside makes me sleepy as hell so it's only 1 hour more journey to go. I tried not to fall asleep but I couldn't. And I woke at perfect timing, the train just right about to stop at Madrid Atocha. So I went out and I walk to the tourist information and asked the guy how to go to Las Musas and he says that's very far, so he gave me a big map then I have to take a train and change several station to get to Las Musas. Yesterday, when I'm online and searching for direction online it wa really that far. So then I try to google where is this place and direction to go there, I've used with my Samsung note 2 but then when roaming I'm using the iPhone I've become awkward and doesn't really know how to use it. Then I remember I snap picture about the location on my Samsung. So it says took a train to Tirso De Molina and I bought a 10 trip pass any day I can use it. So it only took 10 minutes to go there and then I'm arrived and the hostel is in one if the alley which is very close to the train station but then, this area is very unbalance. There is a restaurant where people drink champagne and eat decent meals but there is also smells of piss and homeless people sleep on the street. I checked in to the hostel for 3 nights cost €47 and I there is 8 people in the room meaning 8 bed in room. I drop my bag and quickly went downstairs to buy a lock before something bad happen. I was not in the mood to went out and especially when I saw the environment are like this, I better stay in the hostel and upload my picture that I haven't do it yet. So then at 7.30pm I went to Carrefour and bought a hair color and shower brush since I don't like the color it changed to my hair. So when I come back there is like a food selling on the lobby, Paella, Spanish dishes only €2. Because of this hostel is quite huge compare to any other hostel that I had stayed before, lots of people were in the lobby and mind their own business and since forever I always mind my own business, that doesn't really bother me much. After dinner, I went downstairs to online using the PC that able for me to put on the usb so I can upload all the pictures from my digital camera. I think I stayed up until 2 am and when I'm back at the room there is someone on top of my bed. He didn't sleep yet and so we chit chat for a bit to get to know each other. Soon after that, I went to bed.. YAWN.... 

Day 8th (Barcelona, Spain)

So after a struggling to sleep and a very short sleep for a long day ahead, I woke up at 9 am. Went down for breakfast and after that i get ready to go to the beach when suddenly they (Ahmad, Mostafa & Saira) said we should go together. Fine, wait for them and at 11.45 we leave the room (I hate waiting). So got in the beach at 12.10 pm, it was incredibly hot but the view is very very nice and there is so many people on the beach. We relax there for one and a half hour we decide to leave. (didn't go in the ocean because they forgot to bring the towel, clever). 

Quite enough with their attitude, I decided to go to the Barcelona Aquarium and from there we split. They wanted to meet up again at 3pm at Sagrada Familia, so I try not to focus on that much and focus on where am I because I like to take my time. This aquarium and Aquaria in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has a lot of things in common and the only thing that Aquaria didn't got penguins. Anyway, Once I'm done there, Im heading to Sagrada Familia which takes 50 minutes walking it was phenomenal their architecture, but I didn't go in because of I really not interested much on what inside unless I really want 
to see or in my wish-list. After snap some pictures and waiting them, I'm so hungry and i went to Burger King and meet them there. After Sagrada Familia, we went to Park Guell which located up in the hill and have to climb so many stairs (some got escalator). The view from up here is wonderful as you can see the Barcelona from the top and the view is towards the ocean. Done with Park Guell and I'm a little bit exhausted and we decided to go back and we get on the bus and took the train back to hostel. It's a good thing that I've bought the 3-day unlimited pass (€19) because it also can be use in bus as well and single journey ticket cost 2 euro for bus & metro. So we all tired and Saira & Mostafa loves to joke around & make fun of everything and it just makes me laugh when I heard them laughing. 

So we all went back to hostel but Mostafa wanted to go to Barcelona FC official store. I went up and put my stuff and go down again and ate the burger, one for now the other one for later. While eating I'm online and until 8.30 I'm going out to Hard Rock to get myself a shirt and fridge magnet. As I expected it is expensive but that's okay, I'm in Barcelona for god sake. Then I remember that in Spain, Zara is quite cheap because of it from Spain. So I went there, I have to admit I've lost my focus and I bought 3 pair of shirt which just cost me only 200rm. They were. Expensive back in Malaysia for example one shirt is almost RM 150 each. Sometimes I like to hangout with them but when it comes to bed time, come on please respects others who wanted to sleep. Overall, I'm so happy I was in Barcelona. 

Monday 1 July 2013

Day 7th (Barcelona, Spain)

So today its been a week I've left home. So today I will go to Barcelona by train and I need to be at the train station at 9.30 am. I'm really excited to go to Spain especially Barcelona I heard there is so many places to go and i look forward to go to the beach. At 10.11, train leaves Nimes station and it took 3 hours and 30 minutes to go to Barcelona Sants train station. In between, we have to change the train at Figueras Station, Spain. I was hoping they stamp my passport but unfortunately they don't, they let me walk freely in thier country. I took the subway to 'Liceu' station which i read the direction to go to the hostel yesterday. The location I'm staying were very much is in the center and it's very 'happening' and I LOVE IT! I checked in and go to my room where there is 3 middle eastern people just arrived as well. I'd say, this is going to be very interesting, in which part of interesting I also don't know but I just don't really looking forward about it. Anyway, after shower i went down at lobby to online but then not about 10 minutes, a girl come and approach me 'hey you want to join free walking tour?' I was free at the moment and i join the tour, it takes 2 hours for the tour and I think this experience is quite interesting because there is no such things as free tour back in Malaysia, well of course it the end tips are very much appreciate. So, after dinner with the some of the group, i arrived at the hostel at 8 and there is my roomates invited me to go to The Montjuïc Magic Fountain which located about 3 stations away from where we stay. So i went there, many people says it was closed last time but not today. The crowd were crazy, its like you watching a concert or something, but it was nice. Then back at the hostel they wanted to go to a club called Catwalk which im not really interested but I try to be polite and we go. I didn't have a good time there, but yeah another experience. Surprisingly, the bus is still active during the nights and we took the bus back to the hostel at 4.30 in the morning. I'm very tired, sleepy, hungry and i just want to go to bed and once in the room, they keep talking and talking and making jokes and laughing which I think come on, I want to sleep. I need to wake up early and only few hours left to sleep. But they just keep going...  

The Montjuïc Magic Fountain
Spanish people eat snail's