Saturday 6 July 2013

Day 9 (Bye Barcelona, Hello Madrid)

Still haven't get enough sleep, I woke up at 9 pm and I quickly went down for breakfast because I'm late as later I need to check out and go to Madrid. As I'm queuing to get the food, I heard some of the people said ´everyday is the same food again. For me, I have no problem about it some hostel doesn't provide th breakfast and I think they should be thankful. Anyway, I rush to get ready as I haven't pack my things. 10.30 am, I left the hostel and went to the metro to go to the train station. At 11 am I arrived at the Barcelona Sants train station and its probably the most hottest indoor place i've ever been. Seriously, everybody were very uncomfortable. Around 11.40, I went to check in, I gave my Eurail Pass and the girl looks at my pass and she took my pass to her manager and the manager came to me saying that I need to get a stamp once I'm in Madrid. That just weird because In France they said to me no need for a stamp on my pass. I was worried about something else, might happen regarding my bag got drugs or what, just a stamp? really? big deal.. Anyway, so I went in and my seats is facing backwards again really don´t like it. Anyway, at 12pm train leaves Barcelona and go to Madrid. At 12.32 pm stops at Camp de Tarragona. While on the train they playing Men in Black 3 but in Spanish version. It just wrong man, if in Malaysia they change the audio mode to Malay I probably laugh like hell. It was very hot outside really even though it got Air conditioner inside but the hotness outside makes me sleepy as hell so it's only 1 hour more journey to go. I tried not to fall asleep but I couldn't. And I woke at perfect timing, the train just right about to stop at Madrid Atocha. So I went out and I walk to the tourist information and asked the guy how to go to Las Musas and he says that's very far, so he gave me a big map then I have to take a train and change several station to get to Las Musas. Yesterday, when I'm online and searching for direction online it wa really that far. So then I try to google where is this place and direction to go there, I've used with my Samsung note 2 but then when roaming I'm using the iPhone I've become awkward and doesn't really know how to use it. Then I remember I snap picture about the location on my Samsung. So it says took a train to Tirso De Molina and I bought a 10 trip pass any day I can use it. So it only took 10 minutes to go there and then I'm arrived and the hostel is in one if the alley which is very close to the train station but then, this area is very unbalance. There is a restaurant where people drink champagne and eat decent meals but there is also smells of piss and homeless people sleep on the street. I checked in to the hostel for 3 nights cost €47 and I there is 8 people in the room meaning 8 bed in room. I drop my bag and quickly went downstairs to buy a lock before something bad happen. I was not in the mood to went out and especially when I saw the environment are like this, I better stay in the hostel and upload my picture that I haven't do it yet. So then at 7.30pm I went to Carrefour and bought a hair color and shower brush since I don't like the color it changed to my hair. So when I come back there is like a food selling on the lobby, Paella, Spanish dishes only €2. Because of this hostel is quite huge compare to any other hostel that I had stayed before, lots of people were in the lobby and mind their own business and since forever I always mind my own business, that doesn't really bother me much. After dinner, I went downstairs to online using the PC that able for me to put on the usb so I can upload all the pictures from my digital camera. I think I stayed up until 2 am and when I'm back at the room there is someone on top of my bed. He didn't sleep yet and so we chit chat for a bit to get to know each other. Soon after that, I went to bed.. YAWN.... 

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