Monday 8 July 2013

Day 13 (Cordoba, Spain)

Next day, I went to the Mosque-Cathedral Cordoba and it cost €8 to go in. Inside it was very very very! amazing! Since I was kid, I've seen this architecture everywhere and now here I am. I am very very thankful and feeling very humble today as I actually got to visit one of my must-go places.  


I went to Alcazar Garden later, even though it was very hot but this garden were very wide and huge.
And then my camera's dead. So no pictures... haha. Because of the weather were extremely hot, I decided to go cut my hair. It was very short, I hate it! really I hate it but what can I do. I met a traveler from Madrid and later we went dinner and coffee nearby the hostel. It so nice to have a pleasant conversation.

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